*Please keep in mind that IllicitRomance.com is no longer in operation. The below review reflects the latest version of the website before it was closed down.


Feeling a little daring for some illicit romance? If yes, this could very well be the discreet dating service that you've been looking for! Bringing in thousands of “like-minded souls” since being founded in 2018, IllicitRomance has been a tool to bring audacious people together.

In this review, we’ll go over the registration process, the top features of the site, and pricing. Furthermore, we’ll have a look at the pros & cons, site safety, and more, to help you decide if this is your preferred place to be!

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  • Easy sign-up process (By being able to register on a service like this with none of the jargon saves time and allows members to get straight into the spicy hunt)
  • Renamed menus for discretion (Having the usual “Profile”, or "Settings" buttons renamed)
  • Secrecy tips (The site has conveniently left a list of "best tips" on keeping activities secret)


  • Disorganised menus – Unfortunately the site has many of its menus in rather odd misplaced locations
  • No options to choose gender
  • Clear website logo

What Type Of Dating Site Is IllicitRomance.com?

illicitromance dating site homepage

These are the different sorts of experiences that can come from the site:

  • Hookups
  • Meetups
  • Serious Relationships
  • Chatting
  • Friendships
  • Browsing Members
  • Business Partners

Who Is IllicitRomance.com For?

  • Straight
  • Gay
  • Lesbian

Stats & Infographics

Male-Female Ratio

illicitromance dating site stats and infographics male to female ratio

Age Demographics

illicitromance dating site stats and infographics age demigraphics

Country Distribution

illicitromance dating site stats and infographics age demographics

Registration Process

We begin with creating our account on the Illicit Romance site, which is a rather straightforward process. Located on the top right-hand corner of the homepage, the "Register Today!" button brings us to a short form to fill in. We’re required to enter our name, username, password, and email address, and to tick the "Data protection agreement" box. We do have the option to upload a chosen profile picture, or alternatively, this can be done at a later stage. Strangely enough, though, there is no option to choose a gender. And then to finish everything up, we need to click the captcha box and click save.

Completing the initial registration form will then bring us to a login page, which has a prompt at the top of the screen, asking us to activate our account via email. We weren’t able to log in until that's completed. Once done, we were presented with another prompt, stating that our account is active and we can log in. And voila! After we logged in, we were able to roam around the site at our leisure.

Finally, we were able to complete our profile further by inserting additional information to it, giving us a higher chance of success with prospective matches on the site. But keep in mind, due to the service being predominantly "discreet”, some profile buttons you may be used to have been disguised and renamed. So, clicking the “Register Today!” button after login navigates users to the “Profile” page, which is a neat trick to keep discretion at a glance.

Looking over the profile page, we can add the following information about ourselves:

  • Profile Image
  • Location
  • Address
  • Post Code
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • What we’re looking for
  • About me
  • Best bits about ourselves
  • Phone number

App & Mobile Compatibility

Are there other means of using this service, like an Illicit Romance app? Unfortunately not, which is a surprise as that would be a better means for some people to maintain their privacy via mobile. However, we did put the site through Google's mobile-friendly test, which passed, stating that the “Page is usable on mobile”.

Meanwhile, running the website on our android device through Google chrome, the menus are easy enough to navigate around. Whilst the menu bar is placed horizontally on the desktop version, it is located vertically to the left of the screen on the mobile version. There’s also the "See Ads" and "Register Today!" buttons at the top right of the screen on the desktop version which can be found under the "Search Gender" and "Quick Links" buttons on the mobile version instead.

Men Vs Women

One area that we wanted to analyse in the Illicit Romance service, was whether the experience is equal for both male and female members. But due to not having any gender options during the registration process, we delved deeper into the site from one account. Now, searching over the site, Illicit Romance does state in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section that being a "Diamond Member" is available only to men.

The benefits of being a "Diamond Member" include being able to send and receive messages. They've listed that American, Canadian, and UK male members can have "unrestricted 24/7 access for a low $49 US for a full calendar year". And to do this, a male would need to create a full profile and then click the "Upgrade Your Profile" button. However, this is nowhere to be seen on the Illicit Romance site. Furthermore, heading over to the "Plans" page on our account, there are no packages listed.

Meanwhile, for women, they have also noted in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section the following: "Women by default are granted Diamond Member Status. They can enjoy full FREE unrestricted access 24/7 365". So, by the looks of things, Illicit Romance has previously set up different options for male and female memberships, but now treats males and females the same, with "Diamond Member" status by default. Unfortunately, it seems they have not updated their site accordingly.



To help maintain your anonymity on the site, you have the option of making your profile invisible to others. Located under the "Quick Links" menu at the top of the screen, you’ll see a drop-down menu. Then click on "Register”, which is another button to access your profile. Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and you’ll see the "Messaging" header. Under this, you’ll have options to either accept messages or not and to make your profile public or private.


Another way to preserve your secrecy on the Illicit Romance site is having the option of changing the screen at a moment's notice. This can be especially useful if you have someone in the vicinity, potentially finding out what you’re doing. Whilst you’re on the desktop or mobile version of the service, clicking the “PANIC” button will take the user straight to YouTube of a 2018 Boston Marathon preview video.

Offers, Prices & Costs


Advertised on their homepage, it’s free to register on the Illicit Romance site, but also free to use the service as well. As mentioned previously in the "Men VS Women" section of this review, there's no option to select a gender by creating a new account. Meaning that the service is immediately free and gives unrestricted access 24/7 365 days a year.

Diamond Membership

Please keep in mind that the below membership doesn’t seem to be active on the site:

According to the site, the Diamond Membership for American, Canadian, and UK male members can have unrestricted 24/7 access.

Diamond Membership Prices & Costs

$49 US for a full calendar year. Once your paid membership runs out you will revert to free membership with NO ongoing fee. You can, of course, sign up for another calendar year's access at any time in the future.

Diamond Membership Perks Included

With the Diamond Membership you are able to send and receive messages with unrestricted 24/7 access.

Safety & Security

Use Of Personal Information

Does the IllicitRomance dating site hold up its end of the bargain when it comes to your safety and security? We visited the "Privacy Policy” page, and had a little perusal. Promisingly, at the start of their policy, they say that "All member contact details and identification data is kept absolutely confidential and is never disclosed to other members or any other third parties." Regarding specifics, they also quote that they act "in strict compliance with the latest Massachusetts General Law.”

Worryingly, however, one line did stand out to us: "Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information, and for other purposes." as they do not list what these "other purposes" are.

Profile Deletion

Are you unhappy with the service, and want to delete Illicit Romance? The site mentions that their users will be able to delete their profile simply by sending their request through to an administrator. They also include an email address to do so as well as assure that there won't be any charges for this specific service. The downside to this, of course, is that there is no instant account cancellation button anywhere on the site.


To conclude, is IllictRomance a service worth your time for some audacious activities? The service definitely has the right ideas when trying to bring together discreet people, with an easy-going registration process, renamed buttons, and covert features. However, due to the general layout of the site, and a contradictory membership requirement, Illicit Romance feels slightly off. Giving the impression that the service has been potentially left abandoned.

So, for a free running service, you certainly wouldn’t have anything to lose. But whether you have anything to gain, just depends on the amount of time you’re willing to invest into IllicitRomance.com.

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